Gratitude - Week 3 (The Little Things)

Well it’s the beginning of November and if your in Alberta that means winter decided to make a abrupt entrance.  I love the snow! So I couldn’t be happier.  Todays ramble post is all about the little things in our day to day life to be thankful for.  Sometimes its hard to look at our day and find things to be grateful for or find joy in the everyday life.  Sometimes its about making the choice to find the joy our day, in a world that can be discouraging we must make the choice to find joy in the small things(or big).

It’s the beginning of November and I find that this time can be rather stressful.  We start thinking more about Christmas and gift buying and for some, traveling.  Life gets expensive around this time of year and its so easy to just get stressed out about it.  That’s one thing I've had to work on this year, not to stress about money!  I am a Christian and I believe that God has a plan and most likely that plan is not for me to become homeless and time and time again He has proven to me that I'm right, that is not His plan for me.  He has proven this to me so many times (you'd think I would have learned at least the third time..) that I am so much better at not stressing about money.  But of course I still do time to time, but now when I start to worry I think about the things in my life that I am so grateful for.

Big things:

 -Joel gets to go to school full time and not worry about having a part-time job, so he gets to focus on his studies.

-I get to work for myself in a beautiful high end salon with amazing co workers everyday!


Little things:

-I still get to go out and enjoy a chai tea latte from time to time.

-I have a cozy place to live and a husband who lets me decorate for Christmas in November (he complains and would rather I not but he still lets me ;))

-I have close friends who I get together with regularly


Honestly when you sit down to write out the things in life that bring you joy or that you are grateful for you could just go on for so long(my new duvet, my cat, cute mugs, Kevin Murphy etc etc). 


I would encourage each of you to make a note on your phone and write out a few things you are grateful for right now!  You will see that even in the stressful times  you have so much. 


