My hairstyling career started off slow. I worked two jobs while I tried to build up my clientele and for a long time I wasn’t sure I’d ever make it as a stylist. About 2 years ago I felt so stuck, I was Wondering why my passion for hair was growing but not my clientele. That’s when I decided to make a big change in my career to move salons and go from working commission to chair rental. I looked at my numbers and figured I wouldn’t loose any money doing this and if it didn’t work out at least I had tried.
Almost two years into owning my own little business I have achieved my goals that I had had so long. I have so many wonderful clients, I get to pick when I work and i have never been more motivated. I am surrounded by so many incredible supporters and they have encouraged me to keep growing and learning and pushing myself in new directions(i.e. this blog 😉).
I just wanted to give a shout out to the people who have supported me through these last few years.
Joel, my husband.
He’s been there through it all. From driving an hour out of his way from a long work day to pick me up from hair school to letting me figure out what I was doing with my career and now to being so grateful and supportive as I carry us through his schooling. Never a day goes by where he doesn’t tell me how proud he is of me. I literally couldn’t do this without him.
Friends and family.
I have been blessed with some amazing friends and family! All of them at some point have helped me with ideas and encouraged me. From my ideas for my blog to them letting me try different things in their hair. They are the most loyal people I know and I love them for it.
Kate, my sister and website manager.
She’s the whole reason I have a blog and website, without her I would not have started that or I would have and it would have been terrible! She’s my daily encourager and go to for advice when it comes to social media.
Karla, my not boss, boss.
I’ve never been my own boss before so I still look up to her as my leader. She has been an amazing encourager, pushing me to grow in my career in ways I never thought I could. She always positive in every idea I come to her with. I'm so thankful to be able to work with someone who believes in me so much.
I am so extremely thankful and feel so blessed for the people I have in my life. And if any of them are reading this I hope they know just how truly I appreciate you.